
Communication for Human Rights

I’m an illustrator, photographer, and writer with a focus on peace and conflict, human rights, and environmental issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Capturing stories, whether in photos, illustration, or in words, is my way of learning about the world and sharing what I’ve learned with others.

I’m originally from Winnipeg, Canada and currently based in Mexico City. Before that, I lived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I have a bachelor’s degree in English literature, a diploma in graphic design, and am continually studying journalism and photography. I speak English, Spanish, Haitian Kreyol and some French, and can generally be found wherever the food is.

Aside from my own creative projects, I also work to train people to tell their own stories. I’ve worked with grassroots organizations to develop communications best practices, improve basic photography and design skills, and explore trauma-informed storytelling using collaborative processes.

Get in touch! annalee (dot) giesbrecht (at) gmail (dot) com, or on social media: @annaleegies